Monday, July 16, 2007

Remy, Remy, Remy… (deep SIGH)

When the news broke over the weekend that Remy Ma was wanted on suspicion of attempted murder, I held back on posting about it because I wanted to wait until more details were made available. But now that the victim, 23 year old Makeda Barnes-Joseph, is talking to police and reporters, this is sounding like one of Dave’s segments of “When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong.”

According to Makeda, Remy shot her, reached past her to grab her purse, then proceeded to dump the contents of the purse out in the car in an effort to find $3,000 she accused Makeda of stealing from her earlier while she was holding purses for Remy and the rest of the girls at New York’s Pizza Bar.

After allegedly shooting Makeda, Remy jumps into her Escalade and rolls out… allegedly leaving her there to bleed to death. BUT… our girl Rem-Dawg, I guess realized she wasn’t really gully and thought to herself, "like OMG, like, I just shot my homie," and pulled a white woman falling in the woods while being chased by a serial killer move and crashed the damn Lade just two blocks from the shooting scene.

I know the music business can be tough on artists, especially rappers, but a missing $3,000 is not a good reason to shoot your friend. She could have just pulled a Naomi Campbell and hit the chick in the head with a phone or something… DAMN! Now she has court dates and jail to look forward to all over three grand??? That’s just damn stupid!

After being released on $250,000 bond, that the New York Daily News says her manager gave after putting up his house for collateral, Remy is free to contemplate her defense strategy and how she’s going to spin this thing to make her not look so bad. Her attorney, Scott Leemon, says we shouldn’t jump to any conclusions saying that things are “not always what they seem.” Well Scott, it seems like your client is a dumb-ass and you have your work cut out for you – seeing that the victim lived to tell the story and all!

_____________________________________________________________ On a comical note to all this, Makeda’s father, Boris Barnes, talked to reporters and told them that Remy “meant to kill” Makeda because she was "jealous" of his daughter’s "looks." I found a picture of Makeda over at Young Black & Fabulous… you be the judge:

1 comment:

halflight said...

Did she really have to shoot somebody to make it on your blog? I think you could have posted her just on the strength of those gotdam orange bangs with the conair crimper waves.