Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Athletes Are The New DUMB

I don’t know if Rafer Alston aka Skip To My Lou (from his AND1 days) is guilty or not of the latest charge against him – stabbing a man at Stereo, a Manhattan nightclub, but damn it… will these dudes just stop making it easy for me to talk shit about them???

So ALLEGEDLY Rafer got into an argument with a guy after he bumped into him and decided to stab him. Now I know that he should have better sense than this, so I won’t go all the way off on him because it does sound a little far fetched – especially since club bouncers and witnesses said the ALLEGED victim didn’t appear to have any injuries when he left the club.


Since he was just charged with misdemeanor assault and public intoxication THREE WEEKS AGO for manhandling and spitting on a parking attendant because his car was towed, I say he needs to keep his ass at home. No more going out or you lose your NBA contract and its back to AND1 for you! And you know he doesn’t want that :-\

Source: ESPN.com

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