Friday, September 7, 2007

Foxy’s Fresh Out of Breaks

She won’t be smiling like that for quite some time.

Earlier today in a New York court room, Judge Melissa Jackson rejected sending Foxy Brown to jail for 9 months and gave her a full year. Foxy told the judge, “I'm willing to do whatever I need to do to change… I realize that's [jail] not where I want to be. It's humbled me in ways I never imagined."

The judge was like Sorry bitch, you’re fired! Go directly to jail and do not pass go! What Judge Jackson actually said was, “Ms. Marchand, it's too little, too late. I'm glad you're learning something; that's a positive.” DAMN.

Looks like unless Foxy gets paroled early for good behavior, she’ll be having that baby in the pen :-(

Click here to see what a probation office lawyer testified Foxy did while she was out and SUPPOSED TO BE on good behavior.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is truly sad for any child to have to be born in prison, but maybe now Foxy has it through her skull that she just can't go around hitting people and doing what she wants. living up to the talk in her music got her ass in a world of trouble.