I love it when it’s slow like this ladies and gents – no niggas out there embarrassing the good black people of the U.S. of A. If they are out there up to no good, they are keeping it away from the media. YIPPEEE!
Everybody seems to be on their good behavior… EXCEPT Eddie Griffin. According to That Bitch over at Rhymes With Snitch, Eddie was the comedian booked to entertain a bunch of upwardly mobile black people and he used the word Nigga way too much and turned off the audience. You know I am not afraid to use the word – especially when somebody’s outta pocket, but Eddie… you MUST know your audience! Check out the rest of the story here.
LOL @ Eddie Griffin. He really isn't funny I don't know how we got booked.
Eddie was wrong, but I believe that Black Enterprise and Earl Graves were the real niggas in this situation. I mean, who hires Eddie Griffin to do a "clean" set? That's like asking Bill Mahr to give an unbiased set at a George Bush rally! asking Sarah Silverman to not talk about Britney's vajayjay on the MTV Awards! Ooops, that happened. . .but you know what I mean. . .
Black people. . .know your audience and actually WATCH previous performances from artists you hire!
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