Thursday, September 20, 2007

OJ Diagnosed with ASS

Last Friday when I put up my original post on OJ Simpson, I didn’t get too deep into it because all the details were still coming in and the Las Vegas police were still confused as to what the hell really happened. But as the details got more and more clear over the weekend and OJ was arrested, arraigned and released on bail, all kinds of stories, characters and information are coming out of the woodwork.

I’m not about to say anything anyone else hasn’t already said, but I just have to say it… OJ’s one stupid… STUPID ASS NIGGA. You know… KNOW da man has been itchin’ to get you on something since you were cleared of double murder back in 1995 and you can’t just go and sit your ass down somewhere, relax and thank God and your lucky stars that you were acquitted of something you know the average man with no money would be rotting in jail for right now??? Why would you NOT think to involve lawyers and the police in getting back your stolen merchandise? Why would you hang out with and take a bunch of ex cons and questionable dudes to a hotel room to get back your stuff KNOWING that the situation might get a little violent if somebody says the wrong thing or makes the wrong move??? Why wouldn’t you think of all these things knowing that a large percentage of Americans hate your guts because they think you escaped justice???

It’s ASS, Athlete’s Stupid Syndrome. It’s the same thing I wrote about back on August 28th when I was talking about Michael Vick. Athletes are treated differently starting from a young age. Everything is always taken care of for them and swept under the rug – they aren’t held accountable for their bullshit the way the rest of us are and so they think they can get away with ANYTHING. Remember Jayson Williams of the New Jersey Nets? Showing off his New Jersey estate to his guests, bragging and showing off, he mistakenly shoots his driver in the face… then tries to cover it up to say and the man committed suicide??? ASS. Plain and simple. ASS is why OJ still doesn’t have a fucking clue 17 years after getting a pass on double murder charges. Every time I saw a reporter walk up to someone on the street the past few days and ask what their opinion was of OJ Simpson, the most common remark was “How could he be so stupid?” ASS I tell ya… ASS.

So we’re all on the same page, OJ is a dumb ass for trying to conduct this “sting” on his own with his boys, but Geraldo Rivera is just a HUGE asshole. He’s basically badgering this guy Tom Riccio that set up the whole thing, leading him to say what he wants him to say and putting words into his mouth.


This whole thing with OJ is tragic, yet funny. And to add a little more comic relief, here’s Jimmy Kimmel’s Jake Byrd crashing the press conference OJ’s lawyer held in Las Vegas after he got him released on bail:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There have been lots of nigga moments lately. Where you at? T.I. has been askin' for you!